Wathba Returns for a New Generation of Leaders

Wathba Returns for a New Generation of Leaders

28th February , 2023

Sharjah, January 19, 2023 – Sharjah Capability Development, under Rubu’ Qarn Foundation for Creating Future Leaders and Innovators, launches the Wathba national program in its second edition to take its exceptional participants, age 24 and above, on a transformational journey of self-discovery and leadership training with registrations open until the 29th of January 2023.

This year, the program will accept 30 participants who will commence the year-long program with ‘self-realization’, the initial phase through which the strengths and weaknesses of each participant are analysed. Building upon the initial phase, the participants will shift focus to the ‘self-pacing’ phase where a four-dimensional pedagogy curriculum helps them transform their psychology, physique, social skills, and career outlook; along with developing the 12 national skills highlighted by the Government of the United Arab Emirates. The current edition hosts a series of local and international courses offered by prominent academic institutions, with opportunities to develop creative talents in art, design, music, theater, languages, technology, and entrepreneurship. The program also provides the opportunity to travel to the United Kingdom for a leadership course, besides Wathba’s life-long support for its alumni.

Mr. Khaled Ibrahim Al Nakhi, Director of Sharjah Capability Development (Tatweer), applauded the program’s objectives and the performance of the 2022 alumni. “We were proud to closely witness last year’s participants as they took active steps towards creating a positive impact on their lives and community,” he said.

Al Nakhi acknowledged the enormous support that Wathba received from its four academic partners and 12 official sponsors, playing a vital role in setting the program apart from other development programs and helping it achieve its vision.

Wathba is one of many initiatives created by Sharjah Capability Development (Tatweer) to empower young leaders and accelerate the sustainable progress of the Emirate of Sharjah since 2005. The organization’s programs mainly focus on developing the capabilities of youth aged 18 years and above, in line with the UAE’s vision and the governmental support for innovation. The organization believes that the learning and self-development journey never ends, which inspires its continuous efforts towards building a society capable of facing future challenges.